The crowd was rocking at Carnie Smith Stadium.
That sentence has been written many times before.
But this is the first time I have written it about a bunch of college kids in matching goofy swimsuit costumes dance to music pumped in through the Jungletron in front of a large chunk of the student body.
Yes, on Thursday night, most of the east side of the stadium was full of students watching Yell Like Hell. The competition -- a new twist on the traditional pep rally -- consists of student organizations performing for a good chunk of the student body, who are there to laugh, enjoy and, of course, yell like hell.
“We’ve been working since the second week of school,” said Connor Goodman, a junior member of Sigma Chi, which won the men’s division of the contest. “We’ve had evening practices, Sunday practices. A lot of guys have put a lot of work into this. Practices are hard, everyone gets stressed, but it’s so worth it.”
For at least one PSU student, the Yell Like Hell event was a welcome opportunity to do something he normally doesn’t get to do -- watch a performance on the field.
“It’s kinda nice,” said Pitt State junior quarterback Anthony Abenoja, who normally is the one being cheered on that field. “It looks a lot different from here, that’s for sure. I didn’t know the field looked this nice because we’re usually on it.”
There was only one downside to the evening. For this author, it was demoralizing to watch all these college students performing crazy antics and then to realize just how old he has become.
Fortunately, though, those thoughts were forgotten when Joe Hart -- a hoary-headed Pittsburg insurance agent and PSU fan -- was spotted near the northwest entrance to the stadium.
“I just happened to be driving by, and I saw all the cars,” Hart said. “It’s great to see the student turnout. It’s fantastic.”
When all the yelling and helling was over, three groups were crowned the winners: Sigma
Chi was named the men’s champion, Alpha Gamma Delta won the women’s competition and the PSU Dance Club won for the co-ed group.

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